Note:  Carburetors are jetted according to the  settings used in our actual trials.   It must be noted that older bikes are not like new bikes coming off of the assembly line with perfect timing and compression and with unrestricted exhaust systems.  Carburetor tuning is based on all of these factors, which vary greatly on older bikes, even of the exact same model.  Settings will vary some from our test bikes, according to the condition of your engine and exhaust system, even your air filter.  To get the most out of your OKO carburetor, make sure your timing is correct, your compression is good, and your exhaust system and air filter are unclogged.  Also, it cannot be stressed enough to use a good quality fuel filter.  Most fuel leaking from carburetors is due to a small piece of dirt or grit lodged in the float needle seat.  If the dirt makes it past the float needle it will often find a home in your pilot or main jet.  On two-stroke engines, use a good quality, full synthetic two-stroke oil at a 50:1 or higher ratio.  We will include extra jets with your kit for differences in elevation and the other above factors.  Use these to fine tune the OKO to your engine.  If you have any questions or problems you can e-mail us at and we will respond, generally within twelve hours or less.  If you prefer to talk to a real person, call me, Roger, at 410-635-6722.  If there is no answer, leave a message or try my cell phone at 443-821-6154.
For those who live close by we offer free installation and dialing in of your OKO on practically any bike you wish to instal it on.  Just give me a call.

USA-OKO is an authorized distributor for the OKO factory in Taiwan. These are genuine OKOs, not one of the many Chinese copies. Below you will find OKO 'D' Slide carburetors from 21mm to 40mm suited for motorcycle engines from about 50cc and up. We also carry a full supply of parts, needles and jets for all sizes. Purchases are made through Paypal. If you do not have a Paypal account, at check out you have the option to use a credit card instead. We also take credit card orders via phone. Questions? Contact us via phone or email.
Our email is, shop phone is 410-635-6722 (For Orders) and cell phone is 443-821-6154 (For texts).

Click for Information and Photos
Click For Information and Photos
Click for Information  for TY 175 and TY 250
All purchases are made through PayPal. 

If you don't have a Paypal  account you can choose the option to use a credit card at check out.
Once we have your order, we take the correct size carburetor off the shelf.  We disassemble it, check and set the float height and replace jets and the needle as needed for the application.  Then we make sure all internal passages are clear and make sure the float needle seals as it should.  For carburetor kits, we prepare a manifold and/or airbox hose adapter if required.  We then gather extra jets as needed for differences in elevation, airboxes and exhausts.  We also include a shim for the needle as many engines require the needle clip to be set mid-way between the needle notches.  Your order is then boxed and labeled for shipment, either that day, or the following if the order is placed late in the day.  A tuning guide and information sheet for each application is included.  All domestic kits ship via USPS Ground Advantage which is included in the price, but shipping can be upgraded to Priority Mail for $10.  International orders are shipped via USPS Global Mail and usually take a week to fourteen days at the most to arrive at the most distant countries.  Note:  All shipments will have a tracking number with USPS.  Contact us if you do not have the tracking number once we ship.  International orders are shipped third party to USPS so may need a couple of days to show tracking.
K-104 Series D-Slides 32mm to 40mm

We offer a 90 day warranty on all carburetors.  If the carburetor cannot be dialed in due to a defect in the carburetor, simply return it within 90days of the purchase date and we will repair or replace it, at our discretion, and ship it back to you at no cost.  You only need to pay to ship it to us.  Also, if we have not included the correct jets or needle (unless you selected them), we will work with you on an exchange basis.  Send us the jets or needle that are not correct and we will send you replacements as per your request, again at no cost to you.  We will work with you as much as possible to get your OKO properly dialed in.  If there are no issues with the carburetor and you have just changed your mind about using it, you can return it within two weeks of receiving it for a refund.  We do require a restocking fee of $20.00 for sales within the USA, $30.00 for sales to Canada and $40.00 for other international destinations.  This allows us to recoup shipping and Paypal fees.  There is some mechanical and tuning ability required for proper installation and set-up.  Please consider this before ordering.   You can call Roger at 410-635-6722 (evenings), or 443-821-6154 (days) with any tuning or other general questions.  We will assist you as much as possible with any issues.  We include a tuning guide with each order, so please follow that before contacting us.

Click for Information and Photos
For those of you who want the best flow possible through your carburetor's bore we now offer all of our K-101 and K-104 Series Carburetors with a hand polished bore which includes the top of the jet block. Imperfections in the casting are smoothed to a mirror-like finish assuring the best possible flow. After selecting the carburetor or kit you want, you can add "Hand Polishing" to your cart.
Carburetor Kits For Specific Models
Select Size for Polishing
Add Hand Polishing
 Hand Polishing
Build Your Own Carburetor Kit
D-Slide Carburetors, 21mm-30mm

Select the shipping destination, size and jetting if it is known.  If not known, give us information about your engine and we will supply jetting.  No curved top or black color.
Items You May Also Need
OKO offers this clear float bowl for the K-101 series so you can easily check the float level, or see if any dirt or water has accumulated in the bowl. It attaches with four screws (incuded). It does not have the bottom nut for access to the main jet.
Jet Kits
Enter Sizes Wanted if Known
This curved top for the K-101 is sometimes the answer to limited space above the carburetor. It uses slightly more free cable than the straight top.
Carburetor Top Options
Parts Shipping
We offer extra jets kits either richer and/or leaner than those in your carburetor order, or you can select the sizes you want. These are exchangeable if they are not correct. Simply ship them back to us and tell us what you need instead and we will ship you those.
Float Bowl Options
Carburetor Size
We have four adapters for manifolds with studs that hold the carburetor in place (photo on left), and four sleeves for carburetors that are spigot mounted. Check your manifold to see which adapter or sleeve will work for you.
Rubber Manifold Adapters
Adapter Size:
Domino Throttles
This is the Domino slow throttle used in  trials. Kit includes a barrel with a set screw for the throttle end to eliminate soldering. Choose either the "slow" or "fast" throttle, with or without grips.
This universal throttle cable kit from Venhill comes with everything needed to create your own custom throttle cable.  Outer housing and wire are over 4' long with an array of fittings. Slide end is already attached and a solderless throttle end is included.

Throttle Cable Kit Options
Venhill Universal Throttle Cable
Air Filters 
We are offering  UNI 2 stage foam filters to fit the K-104 series of carburetors (32mm-40mm) and the K-101 series (19-30mm).  They are angled 15 degrees and are 4 inches in length. We are also offering a K&N style filter (3"x3") for the K-101 series. Select the right filter for your carburetor from the drop-down box.
Choose Filter
Cable Operated Choke Levers
For bikes that have poor access to the regular pull choke, OKO has this conversion kit to change over to a cable operated choke.  It comes with a straight top with an adjuster.  We also have a short Domino lever for handlebar mounting.  It also comes with an adjuster.  These can be purchased separately or together.  If you also need a cable, it can be ordered from above (Venhill Universal Throttle Cable).
Throttle Options

K&N Style

Extra Jets Kit
Throttle Options
Curved Top
Clear Float Bowl
Manifold Adapters and Sleeves
OKO K-101 and K-104 Cable  Operated Choke Kit
For bikes that have poor access to the regular pull choke, OKO has this conversion kit to change over to a cable operated choke.  Comes with a curved top, and we also can provide a straight top if desired.  This choke kit can be used with either lever below, as well as our Venhill Universal throttle cable
Cable Operated Choke
Once Your Order Has Been Placed
Warranty and Return Policy
We Are USA-OKO, Home of Genuine OKO D-Slide Carburetors
These kits contain all you need to fit an OKO to a specific model. Select the brand to see which models we have kits for.  Carburetors come prejetted and have any adapters needed as well as extra jets for elevation differences.
Click for Information  for TY 175 and TY 250
OKO D-Slide Information Pages
For engines we don't have a kit for, you can put together all that you need here.  Just select the size carburetor, color, whether black or metallic, the jets needed and any extras you may need.  If you don't know what works for your engine, contact us and we will help you to build the kit for it.
Below you can select the shipping destination, the size you need, a straight or curved top, metal or clear bowl, and the color, in either black or metallic.  Add the jetting if known or information concerning the size and type of engine you have.  Then we will select the jetting for you.
Shipping Destination
Size of Carburetor
Carburetor Color
Carburetor Top
Carburetor Bowl
Jetting Needed or Engine Information
Shipping Destination
Carburetor Size
Jetting Needed or Engine/Exhaust Information
We provide this tuning guide with all of our carburetor and kit orders.  It gives you step by step instructions to get your OKO properly dialed in.  You can download or copy it here.
Please Note:  Any and all orders under $20 require a $5 shipping fee that you manually add.  Use the drop down box to the right.