OKO Kit for Honda TLR 200
If you have one of these, you know that space is very tight around the carburetor.  Our theory is that Honda built this bike around the carburetor with no thought that it might someday be replaced.  So, first the negatives of this kit.  To gain access with a stock Reflex, you'll need to remove the exhaust system and the airbox.  To remove these, you will need to remove the rear wheel.  Once installed, the OKO sits very close to the air box with little room to fashion an adapter that fits the OKO intake.  So for the TLR 200 we have been removing the airbox and using a sock  filter, which fits very neatly, is much lighter and breathes better.  Unfortunately, the stock airbox also acts as the front portion of the rear mudguard, so you will need to fabricate something to keep mud away from the filter.  Now, if you can deal with all of that, we'll move on to the positives.  The TLR 200s suffer from throttle lag, caused partly by the long tract to the intake valve.  The OKO K-103 (curved top) removes this lag and gives you instant response and acceleration.  It takes away that typical Honda leanness as well, and it provides the engine with more power throughout the throttle range.  The OKOs jet very similarly regardless of exhaust system.  In the past we offered the 24mm for better breathing bikes, but have found that ultimately the 21mm gives the best performance, so we no longer offer the 24mm unless it is requested.   We offer a deluxe kit for the TLR 200 because the stock Honda throttle cable is not meant to be used with other carburetors.  The deluxe kit comes with a Domino throttle,  Venhill cable and the foam filter as well.
Please note:  We previously used UNI 2-stage sock filters with these kits, but a supply shortage has forced us to use a foam filter from Europe. 

Kits come with offset flange mount adapter
Deluxe kit includes a foam European air filter. 
Both basic and deluxe kits come with the K-103 curved top to eliminate the tank pushing on the cable.
OKO K-101 21mm Carburetor Kit
For Honda TLR 200
For the Honda TLR 200 Reflex we have two kits.   One is the basic kit which includes a pre-jetted K-103 21mm  carburetor and a modified adapter to fit the manifold with offset studs.  Also included are two 6mm allen head screws to replace the studs.  We are also offering a deluxe kit which includes a Domino throttle, Venhill cable, UNI air filter and Tygon fuel hose kit.  The stock air box needs to be removed for these kits and the stock Honda cable needs to  be replaced, so we are offering the deluxe kit to provide the rider with everything needed.  Select either the basic or deluxe kit and the shipping destination.
OKO Kit for Honda TL 125
As with the TLR 200, we have two kits for the TL 125.  After extensive testing, we now offer the 19mm K-103 for stock engines and those with aftermarket pipes.  If you have a big bore kit then you can use the 21mm.  The Basic kit contains the carburetor set up for the TL 125 and the manifold adapter with allen bolts.  The Deluxe kit also includes a Domino throttle, Venhill throttle cable, UNI 2-stage air filter with adapter hoses and Tygon fuel line and a bronze fuel filter.  We have used the stock airbox with a sleeve on the stock airbox hose, but recommend using the UNI filter in place of the stock airbox since it restricts air flow significantly when compared to the UNI filter.  With some slight modification to the side cover, it can be used, though the top right portion is pushed out slightly by the OKO.  Take a look at the photos below.
For the Honda TL125 we have two kits: One is the basic kit which includes a pre-jetted K-103 19mm carburetor and a modified adapter to fit the manifold with offset studs.  Also included are two 6mm allen head screws to replace the studs.  We are also offering a deluxe kit which includes a Domino throttle, Venhill cable, UNI air filter and coupling and Tygon fuel hose kit.  The stock air box needs to be removed for the deluxe kit and the stock Honda cable needs to  be replaced, so we are offering the deluxe kit to provide the rider with everything needed. 
Select Destination and Kit
We now offer a basic kit for the Honda 125 MT Enduro model.  It comes pre-jetted for the 125MT and includes the manifold adapter , though the stock adapter may work.  The deluxe kit is also available for this bike.  Select the kit wanted from the drop-down box above and select shipping location as well.  Prices include shipping, so buyers in Canada will pay a little more and other international destinations cost the most to ship to. 
OKO K-101 21mm Carburetor Kit
For Honda 125 MT
If you want to use the stock airbox, the hose needs to be cut and sleeved as above.
Above is our kit on a 1974 model.  1976 and later models use a different manifold adapter.
The TL 125 above is fitted with the deluxe kit.  There was some modification to the front of the side cover.  The front sticks out  a little further, but it does not impede the rider's legs
OKO Kit for Honda TL 250
Kits for the TL 250 are also available as basic and deluxe.  The basic kit includes the 24mm OKO K-103 (curved top) with the correct needle and jetted for the TL 250.  Though the stock manifold adapter may work, the inside diameter is a little small and the depth is a little shallow, so we provide an adapter as well.  The kit will also come with extra jets for fine tuning.  The deluxe kit is offered because the OKO backs up almost to the stock airbox, making it difficult to provide an adapter sleeve.  We recommend removing the airbox and using the Euro filter.  
OKO Kit for Honda GB500
We are currently working with two GB 500s and have K-104 carburetors dialed in nicely on them.  Fitting an OKO on a GB 500 requires removing the air box and using a UNI filter, which we have in stock.  Kits include the choke for the GB500 cable.  The stock throttle cable can modified to work or we provide a cable kit to replace the original.  If you are interested in a kit for your GB 500 please give us a call so we can go over details with you.  Many of these GBs have aftermarket exhausts which do change jetting.
Kits For Hondas:  TL125, TL250, TLR200, MT125, CRF230
Call us if you have a Honda we don't have a kit for.  410-635-6722
OKO Kits for Honda CRF 230 and MT125
We have now had the opportunity to fit an OKO carburetor on a Honda CRF 230 here, after having worked with several customers with these bikes.  We have found the best performance for stock bikesto be with the 26mm.  If you have mods to up performance, then you can use the 28mm.  You can select the size from the drop-down box below.  Since the throttle cable for the stock carburetor is a dual cable, we now offer a basic and a deluxe kit for the CRF 230.  The basic kit includes the 26mm with the curved top and a sleeve for the airbox hose.  The Deluxe kit includes a universal Venhill throttle cable and a Domino throttle.  Both kits come with extra jets that can be exchanged if needed.
Select Kit and Destination
Modifications to Engine, etc..
OKO K-101 26mm Carburetor Kit
For Honda CRF 230
Select Kit and Destination
Modifications to Engine, etc..
Float Bowl Options
Carburetor Size
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Select Destination and Kit
Size Carburetor
Enter Production Year
OKO K-103 Carburetor Kit
For Honda TL 125